Book Keeping and General Administration
There is so much you love about running your own business: Freedom in just about everything, the chance to make your own unique contribution to the community and maybe you’ll create something your kids will love enough to make it their career too!
And that’s just the beginning!
But however much you love your business, you do need to get past some of the more boring and tedious but very necessary tasks
to make it work. This is where we can really help you!
Our aim is to keep your accounting books accurate, up-to-date and useful for management and reporting purposes. This is something
you just don’t have a choice about so come with us.
We’ll be good company as we:
• Customise your chart of accounts to meet your requirements
• Provide periodic support if you want to do your bookkeeping yourself
• Assist with BAS preparation or prepare it for you
• Complete Payroll Reconciliations, PAYG Summaries
• Manage Fixed Asset Register
• Take care of Workers Compensation
• Ensure Superannuation compliance
• Provide a personal, easy-to-read report so you know what it all means!
• Make sure that, at the end of each quarter, you are so happy you kept all those receipts!